Monday, March 19, 2007


Click on this link and visit the website to search for the answers to the questions of the following questionnaire. Write your answers on this worksheet in blue, comic sans font and then, hand it in. You can also simply write your answers in your blog.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Trying to meet your different demands in reviewing verb tenses, I've devised the following three-step task for you.
(1) First, if you feel your command of the verb structures is not very good yet, click on this link (verb tenses drill) and you'll find an activity in which you will practise the form of verb tenses in a "mechanic" way so that you can internalise the structural patterns before you use them productively. Complete the chart and hand it in (printed or edited in your own blog) only if you think it necessary for your improvement. Otherwise, leave this step out and move to the following one.
(2) Second, it's time to review and consolidate tenses in depth. Here you've got a verb tenses table which summarizes form, uses, adverbs and time expressions and combination of tenses. You could have done this by yourselves and yet, I've taken the trouble to write this document by myself to show you how to make things clear using simple drafts, tables or summaries. Now (please!) you owe me one, so read the table carefully, understanding and studying its contents.
(3) Finally, when you think you are ready to pratise with no help, click on these miscellaneous sentences on different verb tenses and complete them. Then, keep on practising in these links:

Thursday, March 08, 2007


No soy mucho de enarbolar banderas porque en ocasiones este mundo es tan imprevisible que de repente te das cuenta de que hay algo en lo que no te habías parado a pensar. Además, la causa puede llegar a ser tan sublime que, ante la cantidad de miserias propias, una teme caer en la frivolidad o en la demagogia y no saber estar a la altura de lo que se está debatiendo. Tengo que reconocer, por eso, aunque me pese, que no suelo desmarcarme habitualmente en situaciones de este tipo y que prefiero quitarme el sombrero ante aquellos que pueden, con asertividad, pisar fuerte en los terrrenos más laboriosos.
Sin embargo, aprovechando que he retomado - casi iniciado - mi andadura en la blogosfera, me apetecía mucho servirme del pretexto - porque no debiera ser más que eso - de un día como hoy para escribir sobre un tema del que "sí" albergo una conciencia firme... Y aunque por una vez voy a evitar ponerme pedante hablando de este tema - no tengo demasiado tiempo porque debo hacerme la maleta para mañana ir todos al hospital con mi madre que va a someterse a una histerectomía (¿dejará mi madre de ser mujer cuando le extirpen el útero?) - me resulta inevitable dejar unas líneas que sirvan de pequeño homenaje a LA MUJER.
Por las que luchan por redefinir la esencia de nuestro género
desde una habitación propia y por las que no pueden llegar a hacerlo.
Por el coraje y la entrega de todas ellas.
Y aprovecho para dejar una cita de uno de los libros más interesantes que he leido:
"It is the horror to his own carnal contingency which man projects upon woman"
Simone de Beauvoir,
The Second Sex

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I've said to myself: now that I'll be back in harness in two weeks, let's think big and definitely catch the "blogosphere" wave!
I've been working my fingers to the (bionic) bone to get heaps of material ready for you, my dearest guys and gals, and now I feel it's about time to move a bit from the chalk to the mouse.
As the end of the year is not so far, - promise doc said I'd be all right in a couple of months - I assume the idea I had in mind for this project is probably now a bit of a pipe dream and my expectations won't come true so easily.
Anyway I think that's no reason for putting things off any longer. So, let's work together on this because with your help I'm sure we won't be fishing in the dark.
Missing you much
Your bionic teacher strikes back!
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